
Organ Donation Poster Campaign

Created for a Visual Communications course, my group and I landed on the issue of organ donation and convincing others to sign up for donations. Looking for inspiration in the real world was unhelpful, as other major campaigns we looked at for similar causes were focused on the viewer dying, rather than the good that could come from it. After several rounds of redesigning, we settled on the "Lives" logo and color scheme, and agreed that a simple layout with a positive message would be more appealing.

What I like most about this poster is the strong order in which your eye goes over it. The child is the center of focus first, and the way he points to the logo with explanatory text is a nice followup. The eye then scans the poster again and sees the title text before running the poster over again, absorbing the message in full.

Fearful Flamingos Logo

This was for my computer science senior project, where I and my partner created a game with Unity. While we weren't graded on aesthetics or appearance, I decided to create a logo for our group in my spare time. The name "Fearful Flamingos" came from the CS departments internal naming of senior project groups, which were alliterative names like "Daring Dolphins" and "Esteemed Elephants", so it was non-negotiable. Nevertheless, I like the impossible twist of the flamingos neck, as it lends to the fearful quality of its posture.

Caribbean Night

This is a portrait of a friend of mine, made from over 3200 individually placed triangles. It's based off of several composite images which I then laid out appropriately, including the moon, the boat that we both stayed on during a school trip, and herself. While I'm pleased with the final product, if I were to make this sort of piece again I would start by writing an Adobe Illustrator extension to do the heavy lifting for me, since the face alone took three weeks.

Headspace Organizing

This was directly inspired by a piece of art I saw online by german creator AstJaeger. I created it in blender and learned quite a bit about rendering, material creation, particle systems, and modelling. It's a simple piece, but was extremely educational.